Business After Hours

Business After Hours FAQ
Do I have to stay the whole time?
No, you can come and go as you please. This float in and out event offers networking opportunities to everyone no matter what their busy schedule is. Come at 5:00 and plan to stay for a half hour or come at 6:00 and stay just a few minutes. We understand that everyone has families and commitments to attend to, but just a few minutes at a Business After Hours may mean a new business client for you.
I don't really know anyone with the Chamber, am I going to feel out of place?
The Chamber staff will do its best to make sure you feel comfortable. Often times that means introducing you to a variety of members. When you come to the Business After Hours you will be given a name tag, it is always best to write your name and business on the tag. Your name tag will often times be the conversation starter with people saying, "Aren't you located by ..." or "We just ordered some supplies from you." Normally, your name tag is all you will need to break the ice and get conversations going.
Who's invited?
Just because you get the invitation at your company does not limit the invitation to Business After Hours to you. Your Chamber of Commerce membership lists your company as a member, therefore, anyone employed with your company is invited to attend Business After Hours. Just register so we know how many people to plan for. The average attendance for the Business After Hours is approximately 50 -100 people.
Do I need to bring anything?
All you need to bring is some Business Cards. You will need one for the door prize drawing and a few to give out to potential customers/clients. That member provides hors d'oeuvres, beverages and a door prizes drawing for attendees. If you have a door prize ($25 value), you can donate it to the sponsor for the drawing. Door prizes are normally drawn at 6:30 pm. (Door prizes are host optional and may not be at every event)
What is the proper attire?
Since everyone is coming from work, you will see everything from casual wear to suits and ties. We want you to feel comfortable.
Previous Business After Hours include:
U.S. Army - Houghton Recruiting Station - February 8, 2018
Electric Brewing Supply - March 7, 2018
Kiwanis Club of the Copper Country - April 11, 2018
Superior National Bank - May 16, 2018
TV6 and MTU Huskies - June 6, 2018
Calumet Art Center - June 20, 2018
Houghton County Fair - August 23, 2018
Edochi, LLC - September 26, 2018
Keweenaw Young Professionals - November 7, 2018
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly - April 11, 2019
TV6 and MTU Huskies - June 4, 2019
Keweenaw Adventure Company - June 20, 2019
GrandBridge Business Centre - November 21, 2019
Canal Run - January 15, 2020
Designo Demo Days - August 13, 2021
Canal Run - January 2023
Keweenaw Coffee Works - May 2023
Brewfest - June 2023
TV6 - April 2024